Business for Good
At (nkd), we think that everyone deserves to look & feel good, and to have access to the products which help them feel better about themselves.
That’s why, every time you purchase an (nkd) product, this triggers an act of good somewhere else in the world.
- Providing a Hygiene Kit to a Girl for a day in Kenya
- Improving Sanitation for Children in Tanzania
- Providing a Vitamins to a Pregnant Woman in Kenya
- Giving Access to Improved Schools in Madagascar
Recycling Hotel Soap for Healthy Children and a Healthy Planet in Indonesia
Orphanages, hospitals and village schools in Indonesia frequently lack basic sanitary necessities, whereas high-end hotels discard even lightly-used soaps to landfills. ROLE Foundation collects and upcycles these lightly-used hotel soaps, which are then sanitised, re-formed, and distributed to orphanages and other organisations instead of landfills. With just $1.20, enough soap can be provided for 10 children for a month, and $12.00 provides enough soap to an orphanage, school or hospital for a month. Support people who can't afford even basic needs while reducing waste at the same time.
Providing Reusable Hygiene Kits to Women and Girls in Kenya
In Kenya, many women and girls living in poverty cannot afford to purchase disposable pads, and so use unsanitary and unhygienic materials such as old rags, which can cause infections. Many girls will stay home from school because they are embarrassed to attend school, missing up to a week of school every month. Many fall behind and drop out of school. We can help to improve hygiene, comfort and even education by helping girls to access basic essentials.
Improving Sanitation for Children in Tanzania
Improving sanitation by constructing safe and hygienic latrines in schools. Each facility is customised and designed by top engineers. Treated biosolids can be safely removed and reused for beneficial agricultural practices. Students and teachers learn how to use and maintain the facilities for greater durability. Poor sanitation is a worrying cause of diarrheal disease and other illnesses. Less than a tenth of rural Tanzanians have access to improved sanitation. Your support provides poor Tanzanian children access to safe and hygienic latrines and promotes safe sanitation practices.
Every Time You Do Business With Us, Something Amazing Happens
The reason that a small, independent company like (nkd) has been able to make such amazing commitments is thanks to the lifetime partnership we have formed with the Global Giving Initiative, B1G1 Business for Good. B1G1 (which stands for Buy One Give One) allows small businesses like (nkd) – and individuals like you – to make a difference in extraordinary ways. This is because B1G1 works on the basis that every business transaction that happens in the word should trigger an act of good somewhere else.
We believe that business has the power to change lives through giving.
How B1G1 Works
B1G1 is a social enterprise and non-profit organisation with a mission to create a world that’s full of giving. 100% of all contributions made to B1G1 go directly to their projects.
All B1G1 projects are in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were set by global leaders back in 2015. Those 17 SDGs represent the global community’s next step in ending poverty, fighting inequality and injustice and tackling climate change for the next 15 years.